• A group of prayers inspired by Christians who just wants the best for this world. They can be recounted by anyone so moved by the words and ready to make a change.

A Prayer For Support

Let us Pray to the Lord for Support

Almighty God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth and giver of all good things; you are always open to hear our prayer and we give you praise and thanks for all your goodness and loving kindness to us. Because your are our Creator you continue to open paths of righteousness and peace for us; in your creative love you have given us Jesus Christ as redeemer and Lord for the salvation of all people. We acknowledge our helplessness before you and bow at your feet pleading for intervention, support and help in all that we undertake. The path before us is laden with uncertainties; nevertheless we are confident that with you as our ruler and guide no obstacle is too great for us to overcome. As the source for our overcoming we plead your intervention as you did on the day you raised Jesus from the dead. You are the one who holds the key to life and hope. We come with an attitude of trust, confident that you will not disappoint us. Our hearts are filled with the cares and concerns of the present age. We are mindful of pockets of crime and violence, attitudes of mistrust and malice, high prices, chronic corruption and death. We bring these as we come to listen to you as well as listen to each other. Give us, we pray, open hearts and minds to discern your will for us and for all the people of the world. You love the world so much that you gave us Jesus Christ as a guarantee of life. Help us to celebrate this life in all that we undertake. Give us hearts of trust, confidence, faith, hope and love for all and enable us to rely on you for all things. Our faith does get weak and we sometimes feel like letting go. In such situations raise us as you did the life-less body of Jesus and remind us of the power that is within us to do all things. Be with us at all times and in all we do. We ask these things through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Give us, we pray, open hearts and minds to discern your will for us and for all the people of the world. Amen.

Prayer written by: Canon Garth Minott