• A group of prayers inspired by Christians who just wants the best for this world. They can be recounted by anyone so moved by the words and ready to make a change.

A Prayer For

The Society, Nation and People

O God of Sarah, Rachael and Rebecca; God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob your name alone is worthy of praise and you alone are our maker, redeemer and sustainer. You have made the heaven your dwelling place and the earth your footstool. There is no people, place or thing over which your dominion does not extend. You are God alone, to whom every knee must bend and every tongue confess. Kingdoms, dominions, nations and people too often think you can be displaced yet you continually do for us as was done of old for the Israelites in Egypt. They cried to you and you heard them. Our society, nation and people cry to you, even in this hour, pleading your intervention in the lives of all. Make hearts of stone become hearts of flesh; make lives of clay become vessels of love; make tongues of fire become tongues which delight in the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. We commend to your divine mercy all those who continue to work for the advance of your kingdom. Remember those who witness and work in situations of war and conflicts of various kinds; we pray for those who minister to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families, we pray also for men and women everywhere whose lives bear witness to the living Christ. Because the health, safety and salvation of all people remain your concern O Lord God, we commend all people into your loving hands in and for the sake of and the Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Redeemer.

O God of Sarah, Rachael and Rebecca; God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; your name alone is worthy of praise and you alone are our maker, redeemer and sustainer. Amen


Prayer written by: Canon Garth Minott